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NextJS - TailwindCSS - Supabase - Prisma
Laravel Development in Docker
AWS CloudFormation Using CFN-Modules
Adding infrastructure as code to a project? The cfn-modules repositories are prebuilt scripts that will launch nested stacks in AWS Cloudformation. It’s everything you hope it will be.
Adding Alpaca API to Quasar with VueJS
Its easy enough to use the alpaca CLI in a flat js file. Next step is to add it to an application, add a few buttons and make it do something.
Objective: Add the Alpaca API to a Quasar VueJS project then buy a share of QQQ.
Laravel Nova - Big Filter Menu
Laravel Nova is a great way to get an admin panel up and running. If you built your project with Laravel, Nova will fit right on top. You can create resources based on your models. The resources have all sorts of fields so you can display
Laravel Permissions - Working with Roles
Install the Package
Laravel has a way of authorizing a user to act on an object. Please read the docs if you like. You will start off writing Gates. Gates allow and deny access to actions. You can define Gate